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Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens


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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2007, 02:48:59 pm »
Not ANOTHER new character. It seems as if Sega has this need to spam as many new characters in a small amount of time as possible. If there's going to be new characters, then at least do some actual character development on all the others before adding them. Its a bad thing when Shadow got more character development in SA2 than the rest of the cast got for the entire series. A little background story about the character's past, how they came to be the way they are now, and other things would be appreciated. (Yes, that includes Sonic.)
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Offline Crowbar

Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2007, 05:00:51 pm »
Actually, I notice that Sega have been persistently developing only the new characters. Shadow got loads of development. Blaze got some. Silver didn't get development per se, but certainly had a somewhat rounded personality.

I think the reason for this is that they know at least some people want richer characters, but to do it with the established characters would, they think, risk alienating some people from them (as in, it's easier to put yourself in a character's shoes if they're more of a blank canvas, as all characters were before the games had dialogue).

I'm trying to convey a fairly complex idea briefly here, but I hope I get the thought across.

Offline eggFL

Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2007, 05:31:47 pm »
Good point Crowbar.

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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2007, 10:16:23 pm »
I feel kind of bad about bumping this thread for an off-topic reason, but this is important! :P

douglas: What I mean is that making better graphics for a better system isn't always much harder.

We've got:

Detail (takes effort, and is more important on new systems)
Optimization (takes effort, and is always important, though maybe a little more on old systems)
polygon counts (takes little effort*)
display and texture resolution (takes little effort, although a High-Definition display makes good graphics necessary)
framerate (takes little effort)

Wii graphics still require a lot of detail (since it's not all that far behind,
and even GameCube needed a lot of detail to look nice), and the cost ends up being
around the same. That is, if the developers are going for top-notch graphics on both systems.
(But since Wii focuses less on graphics, developers might just assume that no one
cares about graphics, and then spend less money on them.)

*The act of increasing the quality of these things takes little effort, but
making everything fit together and run smoothly is different.

Switching back to the new character discussion, I was thinking myself that it's a little dumb
how new characters keep showing up in Mario games, and then they don't usually go away
or do anything useful. Although a lot of characters start showing up late, even though they
were much older. For example, Boo made his appearance in the late '80s with Super Mario Bros. 3,
but it was around 2000 that he started appearing in all the sports and party games.
And that brings me to another thing, which is that all the characters start out as Bowser's
minions, and they suddenly become all friendly for no reason (even fighting against
Bowser sometimes) in the spin-off games.

Blah. Probably not too well-written. Anyway, the points are there. I think.
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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2007, 06:06:48 pm »

Sonic Rush Adventure
Developer: Dimps
Publisher: SEGA
Release Date: September 18


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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2007, 03:57:46 pm »
Come to think of it, where IS there evidence that Dimps had a fallout with Sega over an IP? It's like this detail that everyone seems to know, but where did it come from? What IP is it that they had a dispute over?

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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2007, 10:53:34 pm »

It seems like they changed the music at first, but later on in the video it seems more like they didn't change the music style..

Random notes -
-Japanese voice for Sonic for now
-Seems like there's a lot more 3D objects around
-Pirate level? WOULD NEVER HAVE GUESSED. (least it looks fun)
-They changed R-tricks so that there's a pause at the beginning now (noticeable on the up-right r trick in the cavern level)
-Doesn't seem like they changed the boost at all, or the general gameplay besides R tricks...

They should have shown this video before the crappy screenshots >:O

There's just one thing missing from this video - Blaze. And that... new... thing. I'm guessing that new character is going to be providing Blaze's boat or something.

Offline Violet

Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #37 on: July 10, 2007, 03:46:56 am »
The levels (bar the first one shown) actually look interesting. Especially the historical-esque one.

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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #38 on: July 10, 2007, 08:29:22 am »
Yeah. I wonder why they didn't show any footage of the first level? (maybe they're making it look like a Rush level..?)

Also Gamespot seems to have removed the vid, but it's on youtube here:
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 08:22:13 pm by SkyLights »

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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #39 on: September 02, 2007, 04:06:57 am »
with more info on Marine and Whisker (wtf... well, it's better than giving botnik an eyepatch and having him say something like "I'm changing my style!" at the end of EVERY FUCKING ENCOUNTER) it's still not all that interesting.  Whatever happened to the borg-bunny from the series, or Sally?  Perhaps they should show up in a game, since they already have a lot of development from the cartoon? 


Anyway, a friend brought over SA2 and gave a bit of a sales-pitch for it, and it wasn't nearly as bad as the first time I played it (I will admit I was very frustrated the first time I played it... the first day it came out for DC, that is)  so I decided that I will give it another shot, regardless of my distaste for 3D games.  Rush, however, leaves a pretty sour taste in my mouth, but I've decided to keep at it, with the idea that the reason I hate 3D so much is because my first REAL run at the 3D sonic games was Heroes, and aside from the voices (which make me want to stab whoever wrote/spoke those lines... even in Japanese, which is generally more pleasing to me personally, it was crappy)the controls/reaction times (PS2 user, here) and glitch-tastic runs (falling through springs and other such bullshit) I was rather unhappy about it. 

I think that playing it more will help it be better, as is the case with most things.

So I'm trying to keep an open mind about this. 

Also, someone earlier mentioned "listening to the fans"... That was Shadow... it was fan-requested...

You must remember that we, my friends, are not the fans...  Most of us here are either serious TAers, die-hard sonic fans, or both... we are not the masses, and as such, carry very little weight.  A great many people LOVED HEROES as well as they loved Shadow, the SA series, and the newer 3D sonic titles, due to their various single-marked interests...  SSR was FAST and gave a certain feel to sonic with a new transformation (note that I haven't played the game, so can't say much...) and 06 was hugely about "a new sonic" which, I've heard, phails

sorry if I'm rambling on, I'm extremely sick, atm, and it's kinda hard to read the words on the screen because it keeps disolving into double vision.

anyway, back on topic, I think that SRA is trying to cover too many bases at once, since they've seemingly tried to put free-roam into the game. 

my true concern?  I just hope it's still fun to TA and it's storyline isn't all "argh"

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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2007, 04:15:08 am »
You must remember that we, my friends, are not the fans...
Most of us here are either serious TAers, die-hard sonic fans, or both...
I can't help but to laugh.

And the game does have 2D gameplay in levels <_<

My opinion?  I don't have one yet.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #41 on: September 02, 2007, 03:55:01 pm »
And with that, I make the thread officially 1000 views.
No but seriously, Rush was a great game and Adventure seems like the perfect sequel. I really wish I had a DS to try both plus I would've loved to participate in genus' MKDS tourney (now that I've played the game on my friend's) but I'm digressing a bit.

And will SEGA EVER stop creating characters for games only to never use them again (naturally, some fall under this exception like Silver and Blaze but still). Watch Marine show up in MSatOG or even worse... Zero Gravity...

Then, I'll finally believe SEGA has lost it.

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Offline eggFL

Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #42 on: September 02, 2007, 04:35:09 pm »
They can keep making characters as long as they don't force themselves to keep using them in every game. If a character isn't developed enough in a game isn't that bad design to begin with? That said I don't really mind if Marine appears in Olympics or Riders... what difference does it make, they're just spinoffs and she would merely be a contextless unlockable.

But anyway we still don't see any new characters in Mario Olympics... besides the main ones. I'd actually be surprised if it has characters besides the ones shown... I think. But if not, that just goes to show how endlessly lame Mario Olympics is.

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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #43 on: September 02, 2007, 08:54:45 pm »

i begin my campaign tomorrow

Offline magnum12

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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #44 on: September 03, 2007, 01:25:03 am »
Still no new info on the new stuff yet. If anything, no one from the comics should ever appear in the games. The comics are pretty bad as is (apparently, they tried to do a super brief rip-off of the Marvel Civil War story arc). I feel sorry for you Aitaman. The GC version of Heroes is better. Its less glitchy, has virtually no slow down, better load times, better sound quality, and sharper controls (due to the superior analog stick if anything). BTW, necromancy is bad dood. *Tosses Prinny at you, which explodes on impact.*
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Offline eggFL

Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #45 on: September 03, 2007, 05:00:13 pm »
hey, sugah

The comics = prissy pretentious melodramatic furry faggotry. with BAD ART

Let's face it the only reason you would prefer that over the games is if you're that much a Sonic hater to begin with. Archie needs to be killed with fire.

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #46 on: September 04, 2007, 04:21:58 am »
hey, sugah

The comics = prissy pretentious melodramatic furry faggotry. with BAD ART

Let's face it the only reason you would prefer that over the games is if you're that much a Sonic hater to begin with. Archie needs to be killed with fire.

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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #47 on: September 06, 2007, 12:41:44 am »
Let's face it the only reason you would prefer that over the games is if you're that much a Sonic hater to begin with.
lol u dunt liek teh same sonic as me so ur not a propr fan u toal h8r

This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

Offline eggFL

Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #48 on: September 06, 2007, 01:44:50 am »
But you don't actually like the comics... you're just arbitrarily ripping on me. As such, you know that I'm right.

People who hate the new Sonic only say they prefer the comics for the sake of it being different than the style of the games. They don't see how much the games have achieved in the name of cool so they point to its stylistical antithesis.

The comics aren't cool, they don't get what Sonic is about. Sonic is edgy and bold, and FUN. But the comics are kiddy, cheesy, and pretentious, can't get even get the artwork down half the time, every character is furry (and there are tons of them) and they pretty much only take place in Knothole or Eggman's base. Awful.

Those who like the comics are actually liking not Sonic but Archie even as and if they like the real Sonic as well. But if you want Sonic to actually be like Archie it shows how much you actually are in fact not a fan of the new Sonic games and their actual stories and elements.

Archie has failed to retcon out their shitty Satam roots after countless Sonic games since Sonic Adventure but have continually rotated out human presence and other game elements after every adaptation. (although they don't even do game adaptations anymore because of how drastically different they've becomes from the games not to mention how insultingly lazy some of their adaptations have been) And they keep returning to pre-Adventure and Satam story arcs and bringing back more of their idiotic furries. And worst of all, they made a comic adaptation of Sonic X. I can't comprehend the idiocy behind the decision to create something like that... you have a shitty comic brand you aren't fixing... and you see a shitty weeaboo kiddy anime series... now combine the two. They must hate Sonic games that much.

If a comic book was going to be truly like the games it would focus a lot more than Archie does on the artwork and the quality... looking more mature as well as more like the games. Such a comic would also need to have a lot more action, and the creators would have to realize that the story is as much part of the style as everything else. Which means no constantly sticking around Knothole while arbitrarily enforcing family values and political correctness. Rather it should be a constantly moving and unbelievably romanticized outlet for angst, attitude, and adventure.

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Re: Sonic Wind Waker err Rush Adventure is real; screens
« Reply #49 on: September 06, 2007, 03:30:07 am »
Did you not think I had a mind?


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